Notice of intention to apply for iquor licence or a licence authorisation
Notice date: 30th April 2018
The applicant: Maitland Basketball Association Proposes to apply to Liquor & Gaming NSW for: On premises licence
Address of existing or proposed premises: 10 Bent Street Maitland
Description of proposed liquor-related activities: Maitland Basketball currently has a liquor licence called a limited multi function licence. This licence is in the name of one of our members. We would like to transfer to an On premise licence so that the responsibility is handled by the association.
At present we use the licence for our home representative basketball games and functions that the space is hired for.
Community members can provide feedback or seek additional information from the applicant regarding the above proposal in writing via email, post, by phone or face to face, within 30 days of the date of this notice.
Feedback will be used to create a community impact statement (CIS) lodged with the application. Comments you make won’t be identified without your permission. The application and CIS will be available to view on the L&G NSW electronic noticeboard at 30 days while the application is considered. You can lodge further submissions directly to L&GNSW about this application at this time.
Applicant contact details for feedback:
Email: Phone number: 0249343503
Postal address: 10 Bent Street Maitland 2320 Website:
Further consultation sessions have been organised for:
Friday 11th May 2018 at 6pm and Friday 18th May 2018 at 4pm
At Maitland Basketball – 10 Bent Street Maitland